woodpecker v2.0.0
Scheduled Maintenance Report for h8lio
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Nov 25, 2023 - 20:15 CET
All the CI repositories have been migrated to the new webhook URL format
Posted Nov 25, 2023 - 19:57 CET
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Nov 25, 2023 - 19:30 CET

⚠️ In case of issue on triggering your pipelines, try to "repair" your build repository : settings ⚙️ > "Actions" > "Repair repository" button
The webhook URL between your Git repository sources.h8l.io (repo settings > webhooks) and the CI repository ci2.h8l.io has been changed in version 2.0.0 (more details on the above links)
Posted Nov 25, 2023 - 19:08 CET